Sunday 3 February 2013

What's in a name?

Ok, so after months of thinking about a blog I finally decided to just go ahead and do it.

After making the conscious decision to start a blog I had to come up with a name and let me tell you coming up with something unique and meaningful is no easy task and so after many attempts I finally decided on The Artsy Jock and thankfully it was available.

So why the Artsy Jock you ask (well at least I hope you're wondering)?

When I was in high school I loved drama class, but also played basketball and every intra-mural sport available. In Grade 12 I had a drama teacher who couldn't understand my passion for both and I remember him saying to me there's no such thing as an artsy jock. It made me laugh and even after I graduated and ran into him he would always refer to me as his artsy jock. I remember when I first started writing and I had an article in the Ottawa Citizen that same teacher sent me an email saying how he had laughed out loud seeing my byline. In his opinion my writing sports meant I had achieved the best of both worlds. I guess you could say he was right. I love covering sports and over the years have met some incredible people whose stories I have been privileged enough to tell.

I started writing a couple years after my father died. He died ten days before I turned 15 and by the time I was 17 I had a lot of sadness and anger bottled up and keeping a journal seemed to be the only way I could release those emotions in a healthy and safe way. I continued to keep writing as it always seemed to make me feel closer to my Dad.  When I became pregnant I started keeping a journal for my daughter, Brooke, and then another for my son, Ryan. I continue to write in both and plan on giving them to the kids at some point when they're old enough to appreciate them, so I'm thinking maybe when they're 25!!

I've always toyed with the idea of writing a book, but wasn't quite sure what it would be about. So when I turned 40 this year (I'll deal with that milestone in a blog) I decided I needed to do something. I figured a blog was a good place to start. So if you're willing, I'd love for you to share this journey with me. I'll be writing about lots of things so don't be surprised if I talk about the latest recipe I've tried. I'm an avid baker and am always looking to find the next great cookie or cupcake. You'll also see posts about things that inspire me, anger me, frighten me and encourage me. I look forward to hearing what you think so please feel free to leave comments.

Here's to making the most of turning 40!!